UOI3 Ancient Civilizations- Where we are in place & time

Hey kids,
  How did you like your provocation?  What do you think we will study this unit? Are you ready to start learning?
*Please remember to work & investigate online with an adult present* Some elements you may encounter during your inquiry may need to be explained by a grown up!  
Be safe!

UOI3 Ancient Civilizations!!
CI- Learning about ancient civilizations helps us understand the relationship between past and present.
 *The cultural and political legacy of past civilizations remains in present time.
* Past civilizations developed systems and technologies.
*Modern societies continue to use adaptatios of ancient systems and technologies.
Key Concepts- Change, Connection & Function

This unit we must explore many topics, more than we can accomplish during this short period of time so let us all work together, explore & bring new, interesting information everyday. 
 Share, Share, Share!!!

We must inquire about
*technology & contributions/discoveries
*family life
*important people we must remember (& why?)
*daily life practices
